
BSB British International Primary School's Nursery classes follow the guidelines set out in the British Sure Start framework of effective practice called "Birth to 5 Matters". This outlines learning goals for schools dealing with children of pre-compulsory school age in readiness for them joining the compulsory education system, which start at 5 years old.

The framework takes the child as its focus. It identifies four 'Aspects', which celebrate the skills and competence of babies and young children and highlights the interrelationship between growth, learning, development and the environment in which they are cared for and educated.

Theses four aspects are:

A Strong Child
A Skillful Communicator
A Competent Learner
A Healthy Child


Foundation Stage: Early Years and Reception

The Early Years and Reception classes follow the guidelines set by the British Government in its document "The Early Learning Goals". The Early Learning Goals are a recognition that the Early Years and Reception classes are distinct and important phase of a child's development.

The goals are organized into six learning areas:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication, Language and Literacy Development
Mathematical Development
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Physical Development
Creative Development


Within each of these areas, teachers will spend a fairly balanced amount of time on each. During all of your child's learning, your child is continually being assessed against standards within the document which means that your class teacher always knows exactly at what point your child's learning is at and just as importantly, what the next area for them to develop will be.

As the children progress through the EYFS years they will become more focussed, more attentive and be able to apply their concentration for longer periods until in the Reception year group, the children are able to maintain concentration for a whole lesson that could last up to an hour.